First of these factors is the prospect 'financial possibilities for S or easy access to the financing since a great number of money is required for the fees of concession, the installment on the lease if it is adapted, and other expenditure. In addition to being financially ready, it should make a complete examination of conscience to determine its personality and preferences so that it can find the good kind of businesses which will match its model.
By raising questions, the prospect must request the important information of this type about the track records of the company in so far as its concessions are concerned; how made to him is in the supply continues support with the concession and to ensure its success; how much effective its training programs and marketing is; and if the company has a continuous programme of research and development of product to make the updated deals and competing. The franchisor must be able to provide this information to the prospect with the 'satisfaction for S.
If the businesses are large and enormously popular on the market, its network of concession is most probably successful. Consequently, only the fees of concession will cost the prospect by large amount for money. If it does not have the financial possibilities requested by large companies, next the best thing is to seek a less known company which has a high potential of the market but lower fees of concession. However, the risks implied here are certainly higher than with a concession of large-company.
By considering the offer of concession of a less popular franchisor, the prospect must undertake a complete study on the bottom of the company, its current management, and the potential of the market of its products or the services in its place envisaged of businesses. It must also be able to find answers justified to the following questions: Is the concept of businesses enough innovating to attract customers? Will it draw enough interest for the market to make the faithful customers? Company wanting to distribute a reasonable budget to place programmes of marketing in the assistance of sector is the distributor carry out more benefit? Am I been willing to risk my money on an original concept of this type? Am I if so, until the challenge to transform the concession into advantageous company? If the answer to all these questions is yes, other factors also important must also be considered.
The site envisaged of businesses for the unit of concession is another crucial factor if the businesses are to succeed. In the best of the cases, the businesses must be established in a place where there is much human traffic, probably inside a shopping mall, close to a school, or center where all the stores are located. They must also be easily accessible to its target. In this respect, the franchisor 'will of S to provide the support in the description determining the ideal place and negotiating the lease will be a good indication of its sincerity.
Moreover, the prospect must determine the availability of the qualified people in the sector which can be considered for possible employment in its concession. The personnel of the businesses with the employees of quality who can be formed under operation and management will be a crucial factor while running the businesses without jolt.
Like directing it as a possible chief of operations of a unit of concession, the prospect must be undoubtedly of an effective training program which will arm it with knowledge proportioned by beginning the businesses and operation it without jolt later. A good training program for the employees should also be in place.
Moreover, the local legislations which are favorable to the businesses will return the occasion of concession more than one encouraging manner, supposing, C. - with-D., which the general economic conditions are good for businesses.
The best occasion of concession materializes when the possible distributor is financially ready; it carried out a complete study of its company chosen, of its viability, products, and of network of concession; it is undoubtedly of the engagement of the company to provide him the continuous support; it has a good site of businesses to the spirit; and the current economic conditions support to begin businesses.
The moment this opportunity arises, seize it!
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